Lets Play: Mage Prophecy
OKAY HIII EVERYONE!!!!!!! So glad to be back UGH sorry school got in the way of me doing this and its been SO hard but now i finally get to play and its going to be SO fun omg you guys im so excited (dances around)
anyway fun fact i noticed is that fsr this game, which was supposed? to be for the GBA has like an INSANE amount of data, like it still runs fine but??? maybe the ppl who made it just arent good at coding lol (ignore how hypocritical that is coming from me)
I dont think ill be able to regularly add screenshots like some ppl do because I'm really forgetful but ill make sure to describe everything to the best of my ability so you all know whats going on and maybe after im done ill even go back and make drawings based off what happened! that should make up for it :p
the game is an RPG type, obviously based off of wizards and magic stuff (duh, look at the name) and in the very beginning you meet this guy whos a shadowy figure in a white trenchcoat who helps you make your character.

"Welcome to the game, you must be the new kid. First things first, I want to know your name."
Thanks Comet. Me? My name isn't particularly important, don't worry too much. Next up, what do you look like? Or at least what's closest, I have a few options you can pick from.
very basic customization options, the options are all pretty much the same looking except with different heads and scarf colors. The heads you can pick are a fire guy, a star guy (i picked this one!), a skeleton, a robot, and what looks like a weird bug thing.
"Thank you, hope I wasn't too intrusive, heh. Mind if I give you a brief explanation of what awaits you in this game before setting you off on your own?"
"Alright, let's start from the beginning."
cue flashback!
"The story is supposed to go that the three Deities of the surrounding islands are becoming highly unstable, and a great hero is supposed to be sent to defeat them and take over the three islands to restore harmony. Thing is, I don't know how true that is, it is just a story after all. Let's make our own story, how's that sound? Hold on, let me put on my narrator voice. Sorry, been a long time since I even thought I'd have to do this, bit rusty."
screen goes black...
"You are Comet, a new mage sent to the world of magic. Your arrival was foretold in a prophecy, but the meaning behind it wasn't specified. Are you a savior, here to help us and make the islands a better place to live in, or will you take our fragile lives in your hands and discard them without a second thought? Comet, I want you to journey into the world, go to the three islands and meet the inhabitants of them including the three Deities that rule over."

"Deghrtz Tsarh, Deity of Life. His very body is the soil the inhabitants walk on and the trees that provide them a roof above."

"Capax Infiniti, Deity of Art. Though a deity, he seems to view himself as more of a teacher, hoping to one day see his students be as strong as him."

"Ya Ne Rozumiyu, Deity of Chaos. This one is a curious case, don't let the simple appearance fool you. It seems not to play by any rules of reality and its domain has lost any resemblance to an island."
Cutting in here to say that this all seems SO COOL. also how da heck am i supposed to pronounce half of these names o_O looking them up they seem to be in completely different languages. Armenian, Latin, and Ukrainian apparently
also... that chaos guys XD is its design just a square?? thats super funny lol
"Comet! I trust you to do what you see as the right thing. I will hold you no longer, enjoy the world as I have these past years."
and with that, we can now actually play!

pressing a button zooms us out to the map, showing we are on a mini island surrounded by two larger islands and.....idontevenknow WHAT. i tried to draw it as best as i could but.. i dont even know what im supposed to be looking at there? the islands and stuff are all connected by a series of bridges and all i can think is "living in this game would make your legs super sore" XD
pressing another button opens up the menu, showing a list of spells (whats a good rpg without fights, huh?) that all are level one, a list of items, and the usual save-options-quit things
Let's head off! our first stop is the beautiful woodsy area. the narrator person said the deity IS the island which is weird... i wonder how that works... O_O" the game doesnt seem to let you stray off the path it gives in the woods, a text box popping up talking about glowing eyes to keep you at bay. creepy!
going further into the woods, we eventually come across someone(?) stuck in a bear trap. They look at us scared before speaking
"You... New... Fresh meat..."
"Magician! Help! Free Mijat and Mijat take you to tree!"
well it seems this is "mijat", i wonder what that means if anything.
After screwing around for a bit i realized what we have to do here, which is stand infront of mijat and use any spell. after so kindly freeing mijat the jerk instantly runs away! i was expecting this to be a tutorial character whod maybe teach us how to fight but apparently not... >:T
Moving forward we come across a "maze", the path forking and we have to guess which direction to take, however its very easy to tell where to go because mijat left spots of "blood" (i think its supposed to be blood anyway??)in the path on the correct options. and no going the wrong way doesnt seem to lead to anything, just sending you back to the start.
going thru the maze and eventually you catch up to mijat, who yells at you about following them and attacks you! starting up the very first battle of this game! each spell you have can be leveled up OR you can get new stronger cooler spells from around the map! once i figured it out it seems really fun! shame the game never properly released o3o
after properly defeating them, the weird bug guy spits at you (seriously, their dialogue straight up says *spits* .-.) and tells you where you can ACTUALLY head to if you want to meet the diety guy
and WHOAA i just looked at how long this post is!! holy moly @_@ i think ill cut this blogpost off here... see you guys soon!!