Headache was the first sensation they felt as they woke, enhanced by the cold wood their head was pressed against. In the moment all Comet could think about were memories of school, of falling asleep at their desk with their head nuzzled into the sleeve of their coat jacket until a teacher shook them awake. The memories stuck in their hazy, waking mind until a realization hits - they've been graduated from high school for a while and this isn't what their own bedroom desk feels like.
They sat up, head hurting in a way they haven't felt before. Eyes adjusting to the bright light filling the room, the realization that this was not their room now present in Comet's mind. Everything felt unnatural and unfamiliar, despite the pain burning through their whole body now the only thing they could think was that this was a dream.
Yes, a dream. Surely the events that they swore to have just experienced moments ago were just part of a nightmare they were still experiencing, one that they surely will wake up from now that their brain has caught onto that it's asleep.
Comet felt cold. They didn't recognize this voice. It was deep and slow, instilling a feeling of intimidation in Comet they haven't felt in a long time. Slowly turning their head to face where the voice was coming from.

Their blood ran cold, instinctively digging their nails into the wood of the table. They opened their mouth to scream but no sound came out.
Comet interrupted him by practically going limp at the table, head harshly hitting against the surface. Raising their head up again, they went to run their hands through their hair only to find there was none, it felt as if their whole body had changed its very shape.
"W- Who are... Why?" Comet stammered, confused at everything occuring currently. He simply cleared his throat, making a noise reminiscent of a bird call.
Comet just stares at him, hearing his words but not understanding them. Just as they were about to ask him a question, Capax shifted, reaching under the table to grab something.
Comet stared at the paper, eyes trailing up to look at the hand it was held in. Dark orange and white fur with black stripes, a tiger's paw with a thumb. An image that Comet has only seen in drawings, an image they should only see in drawings, yet their senses working made it clear this wasn't a dream.
The paper being shaken snapped Comet out of their own thoughts, looking up to look in the single eye visible of the beast-man in front of them. The eye swirled with color in an almost hypnotic fashion, constantly moving and hard to focus on.
focusing back at the blank paper, Comet reached out to grab it, when it was in their hand their attention shifted to the unusual hue of their skin. Bright yellow.
They grab their own arm, dropping the paper. It does not feel like skin, the texture being almost inorganic feeling in a way they can't quite place, but a pinch sends a pain through it like flesh nonetheless. Digging in their nails resulted in the same sensation that in another situation would be expecting, but in this one was baffling.

"What did you do to me?" Their voice shook, unable to hide their confusion and fear. Pulling up the sleeves of the robe they now were wearing revealed only more yellow flesh, alongside strange markings they could not understand around the joints they could see.
Comet stammered, eyes wide. "My body is-"
His piercing eye felt like it stared straight through Comet, they nervously nodded and he released his grip on their arm. Comet set the piece of paper down and looked at it, Capax setting a brush with some sort of ink down nearby.
"What... What do you want me to draw?" Comet spoke slowly, thinking out their words.
"Can you give me an idea?"
"Okay... Just uh, give me a moment. I think."
Comet grabbed the brush, it felt like it vibrated in their hand but Comet presumed that was their own hands shaking. Steadying themself, they began to draw, the small brush seeming to never run out of iridescent green ink.
After a moment the drawing was done, Comet passed it to the "teacher". Capax stared at it, turning his head at different angles.
Capax got out his own brush, a sort of paint dripping off it that swirled in the same way his eye did. Holding up the paper in front of him, he let go, yet it stayed floating in the air. Moving his brush, he "painted" the air around the paper, unrecognizable symbols circled it before glowing bright white. The page shook violently as a creature made of paint flew off the page, first formless then changing to look more and more realistic, eventually resembling the owl Comet drew.
It circled around the room before landing on the floor, looking around at the surroundings with its large eyes, body swirling with the glittery green color it was drawn with. Comet was wide eyed, barely able to blink in shock at what had happened.
With a snap of his talons, Capax made the owl melt into a puddle, the ink running on the floor to return to the page that was now on the floor. In almost an instant it was back to being a simple drawing. Comet looked up from the drawing back to Capax, head raised in pride.
Comet blinked. Leaning back in their chair they took a moment to think about everything that had just happened.
"I... I don't know."
"I think so... Yeah I need to be alone for a second." Comet turned to face out the window, looking at the other islands outside.
"... Where am I?" They asked to themself, only to be surprised when they heard a voice.