Lets Play: Mage Prophecy part 2
playing more of this game, something about it draws me in despite me normally playing wildly different types of games, maybe the fact that its some kind of ultra rare game nobodies ever played before that makes me want to play it? makes me feel all special and like im on a secret mission (even though im posting this all online so its not secret at all -3-
i wondered if i should go back and explore the other areas before continuing, but i figured that since the game had the fight tutorial in this area it must be the way im supposed to go :p
i had to do puzzles this time around! ugh… at least it was simple. basically this weird guy (named mis) is lying on the path in the way we are supposed to go...
"Ohh.. Ohhhhhh it hurts... My head hurts soooo bad... You there, kid.. Ya mind helpin' me out? I need some juice. I can't focus without m' juice... Only thing that keeps these ol' bones workin'..."
already this guy is annoying me -_- just like that stupid old man in pokemon.. WHATEVER lets go the other path and find some juice there!
heading off we find a nice treehouse and climb up in it, it seems to be someone's home but the game says the name plate has been scratched out... weird. snooping around has pop ups about how the house is littered in crushed cans and half finished poetry, oooooooo now im really curious who lives here
under the desk in the corner is where we find a bottle of "juice"... yea sure (giggle)
bringing it back to the weird guy an animation of him drinking it plays, which also shows all the juice just pouring out onto ground below... guess its not just his face thats all zombie-like
"Ahh... that felt good. Thanks for the juice kid, y'can go on ahead now....! Ah! Wait a sec... I gotta do somethin' first.. Think the big guy said I should fight ya', so howzabout it?"
entering our second battle! this guy is much easier than the beetle dude to beat, probably because this guys all drunk and stuff. after we beat him we get to level up some spells! moving forward we come across an area with no trees around except for a peach tree, which we interact with and get an option to pick and eat a peach. i say no and nothing happens... XD i say yes and the character eats the peach and a cutscene plays where the screen shakes as the area around the tree rises up, half of the grass falling away as we meet the deity of the island, the island itself!
Boss battle time! or at least what i assume the closest thing to a boss battle is for this game. Deghrtz Tsarh! (i had to go back to check the spelling for that lol)
the battle starts with him not attacking at all for 3 rounds, until WHAM!! it hits me for like half my health!!!! i thought the pattern would repeat but instead of waiting or attacking he healed me back to full heath? huh. afterwards deghrtz starts attacking with much weaker attacks, seems its purposely holding back on us. earlier he said something about this being a way to get closer and how theres no violence to it or something i forgot to write down, so i guess it wasnt just pre-fight talk.
unfortunately, i probably cant do what hes doing and just fight without defeating him ;w; this guy has a looooot of health too btw so most of the battle is spent just chipping away while he repeats the cycle of attacking us. after finally defeating him we get congratulated and he compliments me a lot :P AND we learn two new special spells, one of which can heal us and the other that does special damage!
i wanna play more buuuut i also wanna involve you guys some! who do you guys think we should head off to battle next? the bird guy or the square, i assume the special spell will be super effective against one of them if we're going off rock paper scissors rules. feel free to answer! love u guys :D