Lets Play: Mage Prophecy part 3
dramatic music plays... LAST TIME ON COMETS BLOG: we defeated the deity of life and now we are heading off to defeat the cube thingy as suggested by my dear friends!
the environment here is really bizarre looking, i wish i could get a picture but all screenshots i try taking end up as just black for some reason >_< its liek.. that one painting with all the weird staircases but broken up into segments you have to jump to and from like the distortion world from pokemon and some walls have blue and red stripes
sorry for the bad description, im not the best at describing visuals..
navigating the world we come across a series of block puzzles in the one direction that isnt completely blocked off by the red and blue, its not very difficult since you just need to clear a path straight through!
after spending a few minutes on that, we come across an area with a machine thing sitting down. talking to it it stays silent for a while until standing up, looking down at the player intimidatingly and initiating a battle! and it seems we were right about the rock paper scissors power because using the move we got from mr tree takes off half this guys health!!!! :O
so im guessing it goes chaos > art > life > chaos. the magic system here has weird names, why didnt the creators pick something that makes sense like fire v water v grass, even from what ive heard digimon makes sense. its hard to think about how life chaos and art are connected though... oh well
after defeating the guy it finally speaks to us!
"... I am Zalizo... You have defeated me... I consider you a friend now... Have these..."
And we get the "magnet boots" which allow us to walk on the red and blue areas!! thank you zalizo ^_^ youre my friend too
off in a new direction to do more puzzles! the puzzles in this direction involve pressing buttons to get through various tunneling and try to find the right path to get to what i presume will be the next guy we have to fight. after some time i come across an empty room that has a piece of paper on it
"Mr. I told me to visit him, apologies for the inconvenience. - Ridyna"
... huh. so i guess we continue on then?? leaving ths winding tunnels we find ourselves on a floating ice island, trying to take a step forever initates a cutscene where the player slips and slides around before being launched right into the giant white sphere in the center.
screen fades to white... then black... then we see a swirling vortex of colors with a white square in the center! the chaos deity!! lets go see what its like!
confusing dialogue.. admittedly didnt understand a bit of what the thing was trying to say @_@ whatevs. the battle song for this boss is really unique! i wish i could show you guys but idk how to record stuff arghh so just take my word for it okay >:O
HOLY GEEZ this boss is weird! throwing out stuff i havent seen before in any of the past battles! im talking about it dodging attacks, taking my attacks and using it for itself, doing all sorts of weird stuff!! it was seriously cool tho!! i wonder if it would have been doing this regardless or if the game is coded to get more difficult the more guys you defeat?
i was super stoked to see that i managed to survive without being defeated, even though it was super hard it was also pretty fun seeing what all new stuff this boss has for me!
more stuff that i can barely understand, who wrote this stuff? saying stuff like "you know what happens next, no you dont, wait yes you do!" like... wat o_o?
anyway.. we're almost done! we just gotta defeat the next guy, im excited to see what hes like after this boss! plus i get to try out the new spells i learned :3
see ya next time! hopefully ill have more time to blog now ^w^