Dear reader,

By the time you are reading this I will be gone. I have decided nobody here appreciates me or my talent enough so I have decided to leave the island. For so long I've yearned to find someone who would take even a second to acknowledge my poetry, to listen to the words from my heart, and not once has anyone here spared me even a moment.

It was not until I met him that I truly understood what it felt like to be appreciated. Not only did he read my writing but he praised it as well, he offered to take me under his wing to become even more talented than I already am and I'd be a fool not to accept his offer.

If you even bothered to read this far, I should say I'm sorry for leaving without a notice, but I doubt any of you even read this far. None of you bothered to read my work, why read this?

Tʻavut has died, Caligo is born again